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We Are All Beautiful

I mentioned in my last post that I had received some exciting mail which had inspired me to get writing again, so, I will share this excitement with you in this post.

Back in June an e-mail appeared in my inbox which immediately caught my eye. The e-mail was an invitation to an event in London on Wednesday 8 June. "WOW!" I thought, getting all excited, until I remembered that this was the day I would be driving to Download Festival (still just as exciting). The event titled I Am Beautiful would be hosted by Exorex, inspired by the story of the beautiful and courageous Giorgia Lanuzza.

Who is Giorgia Lanuzza? I hear you ask.

Answer: A 25 year-old young lady, diagnosed at the age of 13 with Psoriasis, who decided that enough was enough. No more hiding. Giorgia became internet and globally famous by sharing personal photos of her body, which is nearly 100% covered by Psoriasis.

© Giorgia Lanuzza

© Giorgia Lanuzza

Now, I call people heroes and inspirations in quite a flippant manner, but seriously, this lady is hands down the true definition of a hero and an inspiration. Well, in my books anyway.

I have spent many a summer wearing long sleeves and trousers in the blistering heat just to avoid looks or questions from people who don't know about Psoriasis or think that I have some hideous, contagious disease. But no more! It's thanks to people like Giorgia who have helped empower so many people, myself included. In fact, I am sat in public writing this blog in a short sleeved T-shirt, not caring what anyone thinks.

So, what is the link to Exorex?

Answer: Well, the company who provide a range of products for Psoriasis sufferers has used Miss Lanuzza as their poster girl, and rightly so. Who wouldn't want this beauty advertising their products? For those interested, Exorex provide washes, creams, and shampoos which are available over-the-counter.

For more information and to find out where you can buy their products simply click on this link.

Why was I so excited about the mail I received?

Answer: As I mentioned, I couldn't attend the I am Beautiful event, but I still agreed to write up about it and in return I was sent a box of goodies...and they are amazing!!

Here, have a look:

Events and campaigns like I Am Beautiful are a wonderful and rare thing and something which helps to make this world a better place. It encourages those of us who are so afraid of being labelled as "different", in a world obsessed with certain beauty standards, to be our wonderful, beautiful selves and to not feel the need to hide away. Whether your disease is visible on the outside or one that's on the inside, you are beautiful no matter what, and no one can take that away from you. We need more people like Giorgia to stand up and make their voices heard and I hope that this campaign and even this tiny little unknown blog will gradually help to raise more awareness about Psoriasis and make more people walk tall with pride, showing off their true beauty.


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