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Mental Health Blog Awards 2019.

On Saturday 27th August many of us from the Mental Health Blogging community headed back to The Spice Island Inn in Portsmouth for the second Mental Health Blog Awards (#MHBlogAwards), wonderfully organised and executed by Mr Mike Douglas -

With the anxiety of seeing old faces, meeting new ones, presenting an award and remembering the guilt and despair of losing all my footage last year, I made sure I spent the Friday beforehand getting everything prepared and choosing an earlier train to travel up on so I could set up early enough and give myself time to catch my breath - I am very lucky I did as the trains were an absolute nightmare and it meant I could get shots/footage of the building and award space before it started to get busy.

The day flew by but was absolutely amazing. We had talks from some utterly brilliant people, there was plenty of networking and I finally got to meet some beautiful people who I have been speaking with a lot online over the past year or so.

Below is a breakdown of the talks with links to their websites and social media platforms. I was wanting to write up all the nominees but there are just so many so to find out more about all the great work everyone is doing please check out the #MHBlogAwards handle on Twitter or the MHBlogAwards page. I recommend having a browse through all their platforms as these are truly dedicated individuals working hard daily and sharing their personal experiences to help break the stigma around mental health/illness and create a happier and healthier online community for anyone who is struggling or may know of people struggling.

Guest Speakers:

Gemma - Making Friends

Kim - What is Dermatillomania?

Tom - Messy 4 Mind

Mel (original speaker)/ Mike - Online Mental Wellbeing

Mike: Facebook

Lorna: Personality Disorders (Unfortunately Lorna couldn't attend but she is an incredibly hard worker with amazing content online, so check her stuff out)

I cannot thank Mike enough for setting up such an amazing and valuable event, once again. You really start to appreciate how much support is out there and realise how many people are in similar situations to you once you attend events such as this.

It's true what they say, you are not alone, even when it might feel like you are. There will always been someone out there ready to listen and support you, so I hope by reading this blog post (and some of my others) that you find the support and information you need and have been looking for.

I have also set up a new page on my website which is called "Support" in which I will be building a list of links that you may find useful.

Here's to another successful and amazing Mental Health Blog Awards, I'm already excited and planning for next year's. Photos have now been sent over to Mike so keep an eye out, and I will be uploading them all on my facebook page (redsilvermountains). Also keep an eye out for video content from the day, coming soon.

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