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Project Lookup will develop a safe place environment for 11-15 years olds who either have been diagnosed with mental health issues or feel that they need help and are unable to discuss their problems with parents, school or peers. The safe place will provide young people with access to art and similar therapies to enable discussion and a feeling of belonging. The Project will develop a self-help toolkit for both such young people and parents to provide longer-term support.
EVMT Progress Limited and Community First have partnered to develop the Lookup Project using the existing excellent capability at Havant. EVMT have already assessed the market and key requirements for the Project and with Community First will design and test the proposed scheme which will either be a start-up or based upon an existing scheme already in place at Community First. EVMT with support from Community First will conduct a detailed stakeholder engagement plan. Community First will lead the project management task with support from EVMT. Once the concept design has been reviewed and agreed the next stage would be to roll out the capability to the wider community and develop the required support toolkits and apps as appropriate.
The Project concept phase will commence in March and the design phase and review will be over a 12 weeks period completing by late June or early July. If successful and a sustainable approach can be agreed then full project deployment will be in the autumn. EVMT intend to issue a series of communications as the project progresses.
Early intervention resulting in support being provided to potentially vulnerable young people filling the existing gap.
Potential to provide longer term support young people and parents via the proposed toolkits.
Potential savings for both the NHS and Voluntary sectors as early intervention will reduce the numbers of over-16s requiring help.