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Where Is My Mind?

It's been a long few weeks so I'm hoping the next will be better. *Fingers crossed*

It's safe to say I'm frustrated as after my trip to rheumatoid arthritis unit on Thursday I've been told that although I have some inflammation and symptoms of PsA (Psoriatic Arthritis) it's not bad enough to warrant stronger medications. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish to be on a load of medication and I don't wish to actually have PsA, but I feel like I've now got to the point where I have tried as much as possible for my skin and pain and I'm not sure what's left.

After being sent to have some unexpected bloods and xrays, it's now a case of waiting to hear about the results and then try for the third time to see a dermatologist and discuss my options. I did, however get given some pretty nifty pain killers for my joint aches. I know I should be grateful, I'm not on my death bed and I am still able to walk around carry on with daily tasks, but I AM in pain throughout the day and how I look does get me down from time-to-time. It's more exhaustion and frustration than anything else, just endlessly having tests, being told various things and trying so many ointments, gels, creams, diets, etc. Someone, please just find a cure already.

I've still been trying to get out and about to get some more exercise and yesterday was a very positive day. I'd applied for some volunteering roles with local mental health charities and yesterday I received an email asking if I could head down to Solent Mind for a quick chat and a training session - which will then be followed by another five.

Cask Away - New micro Brewery which has opened round the corner from me.

Cask Away - New micro Brewery which has opened round the corner from me.

Cask Away - New micro Brewery which has opened round the corner from me.

I couldn't miss out on the opportunity so I got ready and was on my way. I'm so glad I went. Although this role isn't specific to mental health it's still great and I'm really excited about it. Once the training is done and as long as I want to continue I will be a RPR (Relevant Person Representative/Relevant Paid Representative).

"As an RPR, you have been appointed to support a person who is deprived of their liberty under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA DOLS).

When a person lacks the mental capacity to make decisions about the care or treatment they need, and may be at risk if that care is not provided, it is sometimes in their best interests to deprive them of their liberty. The aim of this is to prevent them from coming to harm. The MCA DOLS exist to ensure that no one is deprived of their liberty without good reason, and that if someone needs to be deprived of their liberty in these circumstances, that person still has specific rights.

One of these rights is that every person deprived of their liberty under the terms of the MCA DOLS must have an RPR like you to protect their interests throughout the process."

I've also applied to be a voluntary Peer Supporter and am just waiting to hear back about that. Then, hopefully, when/if I complete my Diploma I can start to work with Mental Health patients in a counselling/therapist role.

So, despite a few crappy days, there was a silver lining. Just got to keep focusing on the positives.

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