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So, this Thursday (March 7th) is University Mental Health Day.
You can click on the following links to get your own resources, find out about events taking place throughout the country and information about how to get involved.
I am hoping that all Uni's from around the country will be getting involved, but I know for a fact that Solent University are and here is what they're offering on the day.
This year's theme is 'Use Your Voice'.
"We all have mental health, we all have a voice, we all have stories to share. Your voice can shape the future of mental health. Join us as we inspire conversations, take action and create change through different activities around campus.
In the Atrium from 12 – 2pm there will be a variety of information stands from external organisations, Solent staff and students from Applied Human Nutrition and Psychology. There will also be activities such as head and neck massages, Reiki, mindful colouring and asset mapping."
Sessions running throughout the day are:
11 – 12pm
Not always rainbows and glitter – good mental health for LGBTQ+ students and staff
Staff and students
11.30 -12pm
Time for you
Staff and students
12 – 2pm
Information stands and activities
Atrium, The Spark
Staff and students
No booking required
12 – 1pm
Relax and unwind
Turn up on first come first served basis
12 – 1pm
Seated yoga and relaxation sessions
Staff and students
1 – 2pm
Launch of University Mental Health Day
Palmerston Lecture Theatre
Staff and students
2 pm
Walk to Wellbeing
Staff and students
Meet at information stand in the Spark
2 – 3pm
How to address student disclosure
Academic staff
2 – 2.45pm
3 – 3.45pm
Turn a Page (Bibliotherapy)
No booking required
2 – 3pm
3 – 4pm
Food & mood: baking healthy snacks
Staff and students
3 – 4.30pm
No booking required
3 – 5pm
Managing anxiety (a CBT approach)
No booking required
I was extremely happy and excited to read yesterday that Solent Uni will be the first joining a Time to Change partnership which will tackle mental health stigma in Hampshire. After being a Time To Change Champion whilst I worked for iTalk (Solent Mind) I am hoping to get involved as much as I can whilst I'm still studying.
As I wrote in my last post 'Being a Student with Mental Illness' I think it's so important that there is enough support and resources for not only students, but also staff at all Universities, colleges, schools and we need to keep the conversations around mental health going.
For those studying or working at Solent University you can also take part in the SO SUK? Mental Wellbeing Survey 2019 - simply click the link.
Will you be taking part in #UMHD19? If so I'd love to hear your plans, or suggestions on how your Uni can improve when it comes to mental health and wellbeing.